Game Trailers and Gameplay

Game Trailers/ Gameplay

Below are some of the games I have created, most are not published and more than likely older. This is more or less my journey through Game Development and Programming.

First game in Unity - Just getting the basics down. The character was drawn (seperated) on a piece of paper then scanned and animated in Unity.

Last update on the Pikachu game. This was all completed on a very slow laptop. My hardware has been updated drastically since then.

Getting to know First person shooters and creating Terrains in Unity

Turn your volume down for this one. Robot Endless Runner - Unfinished - Used other assets from Unity Assets Store.

Stick Figure fighting game

Arcade style shooter - laptop couldn't handle it though so it is a bit laggy.

Top down style game

Telekinesis game idea. Bought the arms and everything else was me.

Crashy Plane - This one was the first I was able to upscale into almost a complete game. Everything in it was created by me. Maybe the water texture and some of the mountain textures. All other 3d Models I created. Sounds I found from free sources online.

This game supported Controller and Mobile. You could play with your fingers or the Accelometer (which was very difficult)

Newest Game that I am working on "AstroJumper". This will be a PC and maybe Xbox game. Here is the beginning of Level 1. I hope you enjoy.

Couldn't add everything without purchasing more for this site. The link to my Youtube is in my footprint below.